

「撮影の前日、マリオカートがしたくて、たまたまゲームセンターに行って、ココだ! と思い、次の日に撮影しました。撮影を急に決めたので、実はまだTシャツの版も作っていなくて! そしてTシャツ生地も揃ってない! ピンチ! でも明日がいい! 急げ! できた! という興奮のまま撮影で、全部楽しかったです」(ポッポコピー)。デジコの運営するオンラインストアCENTER/ONLINE GALLERYにおいて購入可能となっているので、気になる方は一度訪れてみてください。Tシャツ(デジコウェーブ / スーパーデジコ)は3,300円、ロンT(スペースデジコ)は3,800円となっています。ともにTAX INです。

デジコが運営するオンラインストア「CENTER/ONLINE GALLERY」 →

In our collaboration, following “Degico-chan”, a new illustration by Ran Tondabayashi, which is currently used as the key visual piece for our website, we have created merchandise with the Fukuoka-based T-shirt brand, Pop0Copy. We will convey to them DEGICO’s ideologies, and complete and release three models using our policy of direction of no direction. “When I heard DEGICO, I thought of Degico-chan, and made an epic adventure in three parts,” they said of the T-shirt and long T-shirt, which bears a DEGICO typo, an homage to the corporate logo. They had Fukuoka’s youth wear them for a photoshoot done by Pop0Copy themselves. We used this in our visions to expan upon their worldview.

“I wanted to play Mario Cart the day before the shoot, and happened upon an arcade, and had an epiphany. I did the shoot the next day. It was so sudden that I still hadn’t made the print for the T-shirt! I didn’T have the materials for the shirts either!  It was trouble, and I had to rush! It had to be the next day. Going from that to completing the shoot was exciting, it was all exciting.” (Pop0Copy) You can find the shirts on the DEGICO online store if you are interested. The T-shirts (DEGICO WAVE/SUPER DEGICO) are ¥3,300, and the long T-shirt (SPACE DEGICO) is ¥3,800. Both prices include tax.

Tシャツブランド ポッポコピー


Creative Direction:DEGICO
Look Model:Dam Pipe / Thundra

March 2021